Third Wave Wichteln – The World Coffee Exchange

Third Wave Wichteln

Third Wave Wichteln is a coffee movement that started all the way back in 2013. It was built on the idea to exchange presents of delicious coffee from around the world to random coffee lovers of the world. This holds true to its German name ‘Wichteln’ that translates to ‘Secret Santa’, but don’t be fooled this is an all year round affair.

Whether it be between coffee lovers, coffee shops, roasters or even coffee farmers, Third Wave Wichteln has created a platform that connects people through their love of speciality coffee. Sponsored by the likes of Acme & co, Commandante,, Mocca Master and Present Progressive, they’ve gained supported acclaim for a concept that is both a fun and exciting way of discovering speciality coffee.


Similar to the pay it forward philosophy it involves sending speciality coffee parcels from one customer to another. Upon arrival of a parcel the receiver gets to enjoy a sublime selection of coffees, but in return must pull together a new coffee package to continue the chain. This never ending cycle as well as offer up great coffee across international locations introduces coffees that would otherwise be unknown to the recipient…Win-Win.


To keep standards in check everyone follows 5 simple coffee rules that we not only hold dear at the Long & Short HQ, but are rules to live by for any home coffee purist. Coffee must be:

  1. Freshly roasted coffee – max. 5 days roasted before purchase.
  2. Whole bean – once ground they go stale within in 15 minutes.
  3. Filter coffee – perfect for purist coffee drinkers.
  4. Single origin – pure, unadulterated coffee with no blends.
  5. Third Wave Coffee! – Wouldn’t have it any other way.


Third Wave Wichteln has managed to build an ever growing customer base with over 6000 customers worldwide all connected by great coffee. Not only this, every connection made between customers is plotted on a map to show full trace ability, which bears similarities to Third Wave Coffee and its trace ability from bean to cup.

Experiencing it first hand it’s a rewarding concept that as well as showcase speciaity coffees builds a great community of like minded individuals. To get involved you may have missed the boat on the current Third Wave Wichteln, but rest assure you’ll be able to sign up for the next bout soon enough. Alternatively the gift that keeps on giving has a smaller running Third Wave Wichteln on facebook here.



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